UFOs and Nukes, another witness comes forward.

Another retired serviceman comes forward describing UAPs at a nuclear weapons base. In addition to sightings of yellow orbs, Adrian Reister had an encounter with “what can only be described as a ‘shadow person.’” This reportedly happened while he was doing paperwork in a highly secured locked down section of the base.

In the accompanying two-minute video attached to this “Sun” online report, retired Air Force Captain Robert Salas gives his opinion that the repeated appearance of UAPs at nuclear installations is a message that we should get rid of these weapons, which according to Captain Salas, have the potential to destroy mankind.  Thanks to journalist David Haith for posting this link. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/17284025/nuclear-weapons-ufos-top-secret-base-whiteman/

Published by josephburkes

I am a retired internal medicine physician living in California. From 1992 through 1997 I volunteered as a Working Group Coordinator for the CSETI's Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind Initiative.

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